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A boat at midnight sent alone To drift upon the moonless sea, A lute, whose leading chord is gone, A wounded bird, that hath but one Imperfect wing to soar upon, Are like what I am, without thee.
- quote by Thomas Moore
A hundred wise men have said in various ways that love transcends the power of death, and millions of fools have supposed that they meant nothing by it. At this late hour in my life I have learned what they meant. They meant that love transcends death. They are correct.
- quote by Gene Wolfe
A life of love is one of continual growth, where the doors and windows of experience are always open to thewonder and magic that life offers. To love is to risk living fully.
- quote by Leo Buscaglia
A life of love is one of continualgrowth, where the doors and windows of experience are always open to thewonder and magic that life offers. To love is to risk living fully
- quote by Leo Buscaglia
- quote by Jacqueline Woodson
A lover's soul lives in the body of his mistress.
- quote by Plutarch
A loving maiden grows unconsciously more bold.
- quote by Jean Paul Richter
A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes, who is able to be objective even when deeply stirred emotionally, who has learned that there is both good and bad in all people and all things, and who walks humbly and deals charitably with the circumstances of life, knowing that in this world no one is all-knowing and therefore all of us need both love and charity.
- quote by Eleanor Roosevelt
A mighty pain to love it is, And 'tis a pain that pain to miss; But, of all pains, the greatest pain Is to love, but love in vain.
- quote by Abraham Cowley
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
- quote by Jesus Christ