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You are now in the category Quotes - is literally a mention of someone else comment or a piece of text. Quote should be placed inside quotation marks and author's name is required. On the Cardsland website you will find Quotes of many famous people, as well as those less famous authors. We invite you to browse the quotes we collected, because except finding the fundamental truths in them, you can also easily add them to free e-cards from our site. For your convenience the quotes have been divided into appropriate categories. If you know an interesting quote you can add them to the Cardsland service without a problem; however, first you need to sign up for a free User Account. We wish you nice and pleasant read of quotes then choose the ones you like the most and send free e-cards to friends.

For your convenience the quotes have been divided into appropriate categories. If you know an interesting quotes you can add them to the Cardsland service without a problem; however, first you need to sign up for a free User Account. We wish you nice and pleasant read of quotes then choose the ones you like the most and send free e-cards to friends.