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Song--allys meek, Mallys sweet

Chorus—Mally’s meek, Mally’s sweet,
Mally’s modest and discreet;
Mally’s rare, Mally’s fair,
Mally’s every way complete.

AS I was walking up the street,
A barefit maid I chanc’d to meet;
But O the road was very hard
For that fair maiden’s tender feet.
Mally’s meek, &c.

It were mair meet that those fine feet
Were weel laced up in silken shoon;
An’ ’twere more fit that she should sit
Within yon chariot gilt aboon,
Mally’s meek, &c.

Her yellow hair, beyond compare,
Comes trinklin down her swan-like neck,
And her two eyes, like stars in skies,
Would keep a sinking ship frae wreck,
Mally’s meek, &c.

Poems by Robert Burns

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